Get to know us
We started our youth wrestling program in 2004. Since then we've positively impacted hundreds of lives by developing kids who went on to be leaders in their school and community. Our program's success is rooted in our mission to give back to our community and to teach the principals that develop champions on and off the wrestling mat.
Our mission
Peachtree Ridge Wrestling will become a premier wrestling program promoting excellence with student athletes that are leaders in school and in the community.
Our vision
To be the most premier wrestling program in our area by developing individuals who are above reproach, successful in life, give back to their community, and believe in themselves while growing every day.
Our values
Peachtree Ridge Wrestlers will mirror our core values at every opportunity:
Act with respect
We will always act respectfully towards our coaches, teammates, spectators, and opponents. We are committed to excellence in every aspect of our character.
Be known for integrity
We will always be honest and abide by our principles.
Defined by humility
We will always be grateful for the opportunity to do what we love to do.
Rise to the occasion
We will rise to every occasion and we will overcome any challenge and
all change.
Have Fun While Being The Best
We will train to be the best every day, but that doesn't mean we won't have fun! We will always find the fun in what we do regardless of wins and losses. We will be the best at what we do because we will practice it regularly.

Our board
Our strength lies in our family.
Courtney Roberts
Wrestling Director

Christopher gilchrist
Assistant Director

Tyrell Cunningham

Kelly Kiley
Finance Director

Co-Assistant Director
Syr Stewart
Social Media / Website Chair
Tara Denton
Team Support Coordinator
Steven McCormick
Fundraising Chair
Brittney Vachon
Fundraising Chair

Peachtree Ridge Youth Wresting operates as a part of the Peachtree Ridge Youth Athletic Association. More information on PRYAA can be found here: